November Report - Portland Roads Ultimate Adventure

It just keeps getting better and better for our Ultimate Adventure Portland Roads charter guests. In a single charter, a whopping 65 different species of fish were reeled in, breaking the existing record of 62! Well done!
One of our repeat guests (in fact, this was his sixth time with a FNSF-Nomad charter) suggested his recent trip was the best so far. Probably because he managed to pull in some impressive fish, most notably his 30+ GT’s! Besides the remarkable fishing, he has highly praised our expert fishing guides, the fountain of local knowledge that is our skipper Jimmy, the incredible haute cuisine produced by our on-board chef, and the dedicated and exemplary service by our hosts.
Our happy travellers were impressed with the volume of fish being landed amongst the river-to-sea diversity of species, and the ability of our skipper to navigate expertly to the weather conditions.
Dreams were made: Dave pulled in a massive 50kg+ GT, Iwo was not disappointed after landing his target Red, and Chip landed a 50kg Yellowfin after a 1 1/2 hour fight on a 9 weight fly!

Our mothership, Blue Martini, is currently travelling around some of the most remote and pristine areas of the Great Barrier Reef, and unspoiled islands and beaches. Far North Queensland truly is one of the most remarkable areas to explore in Australia, and our guests were not disappointed; during their journeys they discovered true paradise - barbecued mud crab, lobster and picnics on island beaches, glowing sunsets, the Forbes and Claremont Islands, Princess Charlotte Bay, Margaret Bay, and Bligh Reef.
To suggest this latest campaign as highly successful is an understatement - we have received some excellent feedback from our guests. Sam described his trip as "All and all a bucket list trip that exceeded expectations", Peter took the time to express, "I was so looking forward to this trip. For me the mixture of blue water and river in that part of the coast was special…The fishing certainly lived up to my expectations. All of the crew, Jim the skipper once again excellent. Simon the chef, full of life and fun and a delight to be around, and a great chef. Food was excellent. Jazz, a very lovely young lady who looked after our every need. Aran and Hayden, among the best guides I have ever had.” Champion Chip, the winner of the fight with the 50kg Yellowfin Tuna, commented, "Chef Phil’s cuisine was exceptional. Your whole staff clearly liked (loved) each other and were always joyous...the variety of species was amazing (over 60 species caught by the six anglers), as was the range of environments in which to fish. I loved fishing across the reefs and bommies."